Robots.txt Generator

Optimización de motores de búsqueda

Robots.txt Generator

Predeterminado - Todos los robots son:  
Retardo de rastreo:
Mapa del sitio: (deje en blanco si no tiene) 
Robots de búsqueda: Google
  Google Image
  Google Mobile
  MSN Search
  Yahoo MM
  Yahoo Blogs
  DMOZ Checker
  MSN PicSearch
Directorios restringidos: La ruta es relativa a la raíz y debe contener una barra diagonal. "/"

Ahora, cree el archivo 'robots.txt' en su directorio raíz. Copia el texto anterior y pégalo en el archivo de texto.

Acerca de Robots.txt Generator

Fist Host Robots.txt Generator tool is designed to help webmasters, SEOs, and marketers generate their robots.txt files without a lot of technical knowledge.  Please be careful though, as creating your robots.txt file can have a significant impact on Google being able to access your website, whether it is built on WordPress or another CMS. Although our tool is straightforward to use, we would suggest you familiarize yourself with Google’s instructions before using it. This is because incorrect implementation can lead to search engines like Google being unable to crawl critical pages on your site or even your entire domain, which can very negatively impact your SEO. Let’s delve into some of the features that our online Robots.txt Generator provides.

Robots.txt file example or the basic format:


The Robots.txt has a proper format which should be kept in mind. If any mistake in the format is made, the search robots won’t perform any task. Below is a format for a robots.txt file:

User-agent: [user-agent name]

Disallow: [URL string not to be crawled]

           Just keep in mind that the file should be made in text format.


Robots.txt generator what is it and how to use?


Custom robots.txt generator for blogger is a tool which helps in the webmasters to protect their websites’ confidential data to be indexed in the search engines. In other words it helps in generating the robots.txt file. It has made the lives of websites owner quite easy as they don’t have to create the whole robots.txt file by their own self. They can easily make the file by using the below steps:

  • Firstly choose if you want to disallow all the robots or some robots to have access to your files.
  • Secondly, choose how much delay you require in the crawls. You can decide from 5 seconds up to 120 seconds.
  • Paste your sitemap on the generator if you have one.
  • Select which bot you want to crawl and which bot you don’t want to crawl on your site.
  • Lastly, restrict the directories. The path should contain a slash “/”.

    By using these easy steps you can easily create a robots.txt file for your website.


How to optimize your Robots.txt file for better SEO?

If you already have a robots.txt file then in order to maintain proper security of your files you have to create a proper optimized robots.txt file with no errors. The Robots.txt file should be properly examined. For a robots.txt file to be optimized for search engines you have to clearly decide what should come with the allow tag and what should come with a disallow tag. Image folder, Content folder, etc. should come with the Allow tag if you want to your data to be accessed by search engines and other people. And for the Disallow tag should come with folders like, Duplicate webpages, Duplicate content, duplicate folders, archive folders, etc. 

How to use robots.txt file generator for WordPress?


Although it is not required to create a Robots.txt file in WordPress. But in order to achieve higher SEO you are required to create a robots.txt file so that the standards are maintained. You can easily create a WordPress robots.txt file to disallow search engines to access some of your data by following the steps below:

  1. Firstly login to your hosting Dashboard like Cloudways. Cloudways is robots.txt generator WordPress.  
  2. After logging in to dashboard, Select the “Servers” tab which is located on the top right of the screen.
  3. After that open “FileZilla”, which is an FTP server application used to access WordPress document. After that connect FileZilla to a server by using “Master Credentials”.
  4. After connecting to the server go to the “Applications” tab.
  5. Return to Cloudways and from the top left go to the “Applications” tab.
  6. Select the WordPress from the applications.
  7. After logging in to the WordPress panel, select “File manager” from the left tab.

How to create robots.txt file on cpanel

  1. After that return to FileZilla and search “/applications/[Your Folder Name]/public_html.”  

How to create robots.txt for wordpress website using Cpanel?

  1. Create a new text file and name it “Robots.txt”.

Creating manual robots.txt file for WordPress on cpanel public_html

  1. After that open that file on any typing tool like, Notepad, Notepad++, etc. Since Notepad is built in you can use it.
  2. Following is a sample for creating a robots.txt file for Cloudways:

User-agent: *

Disallow: /admin/

Disallow: /admin/*?*

Disallow: /admin/*?

Disallow: /blog/*?*

Disallow: /blog/*?

      If you have a sitemap, add its URL as:



How to enable Robots.txt on the Blogger dashboard?


Since blogger has a robots.txt file in its system, therefore, you don’t have to hassle so much about it. But, some of its functions are not enough. For this you can easily alter the robots.txt file in blogger according to your needs by following the below steps:

  1. Firstly visit your blogger blog.
  2. After that go to the settings and click “search preferences”.
  3. From the Search preferences tab click on the “crawlers and indexing”.

Enabling the robots.txt file on blogger

         4. From this go to the “Custom robots.txt” tab and click on edit and then “Yes”.

How to Enable the robots.txt file on the blogger

     5. After that paste your Robots.txt file there to add more restrictions to the blog. You can also use a custom robots.txt blogger generator.

    6. Then save the setting and you are done.


Robots.txt file example for blogger:


 Following are some robots.txt templates:

  1. Allow everything:

User-agent: *



            User-agent: *

             Allow: /

  1.   Disallow everything:

   User-agent: *

    Disallow: /

  1. Disallow a specific folder:

    User-agent: *

     Disallow: /folder/

As an added bonus our robots.txt generator includes a block against many unwanted spiders, or SPAM-bots, which generally crawl your website to collect the email addresses which are stored on those pages.